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Looking Deeper Into Chronic Otitis Externa

Otitis externa (OE) in dogs is a common presentation in small animal practice, but whilst most cases of acute, early OE will respond well to symptomatic therapy, chronic or recurrent OE can present a frustrating clinical challenge.

Hypoallergy and Dermatology Support Diets Are Not The Same Thing!

Clinical diets play an important role in the management of skin disease and can be a critical component of the treatment plan. However, selecting the right diet is key to achieving the best results, given that these diets are different in intended use and nutritional characteristics.

Senior cats’ pathology: main clinical conditions

It is generally accepted that a cat can be considered "senior" from the age of 10 years (when it has reached 75-80% of its life expectancy) and that the geriatric stage is reached after 15 years. In practice, one-third of cats over 9 years of age that are considered healthy by their owners actually require medical treatment (95% of which is long-term).

Osteoarthritis in the older cat

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the deterioration of articular cartilage and the presence of bone neoformations on the surface and periphery of affected joints. In cats, the most commonly affected joints are hips and elbows, but spinal lesions are also common, generally between the 7th and 10th thoracic vertebrae, and more severely in the lumbar and lumbosacral regions.

Why Should I Use Virbagen Omega in Dogs With Parvovirus?

Parvovirus outbreaks are commonly encountered in the UK, with pockets occurring more frequently in certain areas of the country such as Wales and the North West. Outbreaks within an area can be devastating for both owners and practices alike, with treatment costly and challenging. However, rapid implementation of intensive treatment can improve prognosis.

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